The neural network successfully recognizes all the 15 images it was trained with.

Kohonen SOM based gesture recognition implementation results:-

GPU - 45 ms

The downloadable code is below. You would need CUDA on your machine to run it.

HGR_NEURAL_NETWORK - Optimized.rar HGR_NEURAL_NETWORK - Optimized.rar
Size : 4.846 Kb
Type : rar

CPU (MATLAB Version, with Grossberg Layer) - 180-195 ms

Size : 2.041 Kb
Type : rar

 CPU (MATLAB Version)  for the algorithm mentioned in [2] - 342 ms.
Size : 0.002 Kb
Type : m

Thus I was able to achieve a five fold improvement over the MATLAB implementation of the Kohonen neural network algorithm and develop a static gesture recognition algorithm which is 8 x faster than the approach given here [2].

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